SOL3071 Sociología de la Raza y la Etnicidad
Escuela | Sociología |
Área | |
Categorías | |
Créditos | 5 |
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Restricciones: (Programa = Mag En Sociologia)
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REQUISITOS : alumno curriculum 910201
CARÁCTER : Optativo
Este curso profundiza en los debates teoricos acerca de la raza, la etnicidad y el racismo desde la
sociologia. Examina la historia de las ideas centrales acerca de la raza, y discute interpretaciones
contemporaneas acerca de la construccion de identidades sociales y politicas dentro del estado
moderno y las politicas nacionalistas.
1. Identificar las fortalezas y limitaciones de estas teorias de las principales teorias y acercamientos
analiticos en la sociologia de la raza y la etnicidad.
2. Comprender la influencia (historica y contemporanea) de fuerzas culturales, sociales y politicas en
el desarrollo de divisiones etnicas y raciales, la violencia etnica, y el racismo.
3. Formular preguntas de investigacion novedosas y su aplicacion a casos empiricos.
1. Conceptos de categorizacion, diferenciacion y jerarquizacion
2. El desarrollo historico y social respecto a raza (siglos 18, 19 y 20): la ficcion cientifica
3. El giro hacia la etnicidad
4. Debates en los estudios de la etnicidad
5. Etnicidad, Ciudadania y nacionalismo
6. Pueblos indigenas, mestizaje y etnicidad en America Latina
7. Educacion, multiculturalismo y racismo en America Latina
8. Etnicidad en Chile
- Clases expositivas
- Presentaciones de estudiantes
- Participacion en clase 20%
- Intervenciones escritas 20%
- Ensayo final 60%
Back, L. and Solomos J. (eds.) (2008) Theories of Race and Racism, London: Routledge.
Bayar, M. (2009) "Reconsidering primordialism: an alternative approach to the study of
ethnicity", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(9): 1639-57
Boccara, G. and P. Bolados. (2010) "?Que es el multiculturalismo? La Nueva Cuestion Etnica en el
Chile Neoliberal", Revista de Indias, 80: 651-90.
Brubaker, R. (2009) "Ethnicity, race and nationalism", Annual Review of Sociology, 35:21-42
Carter, R. (2007) "Genes, genomes and genealogies: the return of scientific racism", Ethnic and racial
studies, 30(4): 546-556
Fenton, S. (2003) Ethnicity, Cambridge: Polity
Fox, J. & Jones, D. (2013) "Migration, everyday life and the ethnicity bias", Ethnicities, 13(4):385-
Goldberg, David Theo (2009) The Threat of Race: Reflections on Racial Neoliberalism (Malden, MA:
Blackwell). Capitulo 6 'Revealing Alchemies (On Racial Latinamericanization) pp. 199-244.
Khanna, N. (2011) "Ethnicity and race as `symbolic': the use of ethnic and racial symbols in asserting
a biracial identity", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(6): 1049-1067
Meer, N. & Nayak, A. (2013) "Race ends where? Race, racism and contemporary sociology"
Sociology E-special Issue 2
St. Louis, B. (2003) "Sport, Genetics, and the `Natural Athlete': The Resurgence of Racial Science",
Body and Society, 9(2): 75-95.
Telles, E. & Flores, R., (2013) "Not just color: Whiteness, national, and status in Latin America",
Hispanic American Historical Review, 93(3), 411-449.
Telles, E. (2005) Race in Another America: The Significance of Skin Color in Brazil. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Wade, P. (2010) (20 ed.) Race and Ethnicity in Latin America, London: Pluto Press.
Webb, A. (2014) "Re-working everyday concepts of civic virtue and ethnic belonging among
indigenous youth in Chile", Journal of Youth Studies vol. 17(6) pp.717-732
Wimmer, A. (2007) "The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries: A multilevel process theory",
American Journal of Sociology, 113(4) 970-1022
Altarejos Martinez, M. (2006) "Criticas al Enfoque de Educacion Intercultural y Consecuencias
Practicas", Estudios sobre Educacion, 10: 121-36.
Anderson, B. (1991) Imagined Communities. London: Verso (capitulo 1)
Back, L. and Solomos J. (eds.) (2008) Theories of Race and Racism, London: Routledge (Capitulos 2
a 6)
Banton, M. (1997) Racial Theories, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (capitulo 7)
Banton, M. (2003) "Teaching ethnic and racial studies", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26(3): 488-502
Barajas, H. & Ronkvist, A. (2007) "Racialised space: Framing Latino and Latina experience in public
schools", Teachers College Record, 109(6): 1517-1538.
Bengoa, J. (2000). La emergencia indigena en America Latina. Santiago: Fondo de Cultura
Brubaker R. (2004) Ethnicity without Groups, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Brubaker, R. (2002) "Ethnicity without groups", European journal of sociology, 43(2):163 - 189
Brubaker, R. (2009) "Ethnicity, race and nationalism'", Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 35, pp.21-
Calhoun, C. (1993) "Nationalism and ethnicity", Annual Review of Sociology, 19: 211-239
Canessa, A. (2006) "Todos somos indigenas: Towards a new language of national political identity",
Bulletin of Latin American research, 25(2): 241-263.
Canessa, A. 2004. "Reproducing racism: schooling and race in highland Bolivia", Race Ethnicity and
Education 7(2): 185-204.
Carihuentro, S. (2007) Saberes Mapuche que debiera incorporar la educacion formal en contexto
interetnico e intercultural segun sabios Mapuche. Tesis de Magister, Universidad de Chile, Santiago.
Cohen, A. P. (1985) The symbolic construction of community. London: Tavistock Publications.
Connor, W. (1978) `A nation is a nation, is a state, is an ethnic group is a . . .', Ethnic and Racial
Studies, 1(4): 377-400. (pdf en linea)
David Brion, D. (1997) "Constructing Race: A Reflection", The William and Mary Quarterly, 54 (1);
Edensor, Tim. (2002) National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Oxford: Berg
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (1993) Ethnicity and Nationalism , London: Pluto Press
Essed, P. (2002) `Everyday racism' en Goldberg, D. & Solomos, J. (eds.) A Companion to Racial and
Ethnic Studies. Oxford: Blackwell, pp.202-216. (Capitulo 15, pdf en linea)
Fanon, F. (1967) Black Skin, White Masks , New York: Grove Press
Fearon, J. and Laitin, D. (2000) "Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic Identity",
International Organization, 54: 845-877
Foerster, R. and S. Montecino. (1988) Organizaciones, lideres y contiendas mapuches
Gellner, E. (1983) Nations and Nationalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Gil-White, F. (1999) "How thick is blood? The plot thickens...: if ethnic actors are primordialists,
what remains of the circumstantialist/primordialist controversy?", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22(5):
Goldberg, D.T. (1993) Racist Culture: Philosophy and the politics of meaning. Oxford: Blackwell
(cap. 2 y 4)
Goldberg, D.T. and Solomos, J. (eds) (2002) A companion to racial and ethnic studies , Oxford:
Blackwell (cap. 1 a 3)
Grosfoguel, R. (2004) "Race and Ethnicity or Racialized Ethnicities?: Identities within Global
Coloniality", Ethnicities, 4(3): 315-336
Gustafson, B. (2009) New languages of the state: indigenous resurgence and the politics of knowledge
in Bolivia. Durham: Duke University Press
Hale, C. (2002) "Does multiculturalism menace? Governance, cultural rights and the politics of
identity in Guatemala", Journal of Latin American Studies, 34(3): 485-524.
Hale, H.E. (2004) "Explaining ethnicity", Comparative Political Studies, 37:458-485
Handelman, D. (1977) "The organization of ethnicity", Ethnic Groups, 1:187-200
Hutchinson, J. and Smith, A. D. (eds.) (1996) Ethnicity , Oxford: Oxford University Press (capitulos
6, 22, 24)
Hutchinson, J. and Smith, A.D (eds) (1994) Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University
Jackson, J. & Warren, K. (2005) "Indigenous movements in Latin America, 1992-2004: controversies,
ironies, new directions", Annual Review of Anthropology, 34: 549-573
Jenkins, R. (1997) Rethinking Ethnicity, London: Sage.
Jenkins, R. (2005) "The place of theory: John Rex's contribution to the sociological study of ethnicity
and `race'", Ethnic and racial studies, Vol. 28, no. 2, 201-211
Jimenez, Tomas R. (2010) "Affiliative Ethnic Identity: A More Elastic Link between Ethnic Ancestry and
Culture", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33 (10); 1756-1775.
Johnson, E. (2007) "Schooling, blackness and national identity in Esmeraldas, Ecuador", Race
ethnicity and education, 10(1):47-70
Karner, C. (2007) Ethnicity and everyday life. New York: Routledge.
Kinket, B., and M. Verkuyten. (1997) "Levels of Ethnic-Identification and Social context," Social
Psychology Quarterly 60 (4): 338-354.
Levine, H.B. (1999) "Reconstructing ethnicity", Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 5(2):
Lopez, L.E. & Kuper, W. (1999). La educacion intercultural bilingue en America Latina: balance y
perspectivas. Revista Ibero-Americana de Educacion, 20, 7-85
Loveman, M. (1999) "Is race essential?" American Sociological Review, 64(6):891-898
Luna, L. (2007) Un mundo entre dos mundos: las relaciones entre el pueblo mapuche y el estado
chileno desde la perspectiva del desarrollo y de los cambios socioculturales. Santiago: Ediciones
Universidad Catolica de Chile
Luykx, A. (1999) The Citizen Factory: schooling and cultural production in Bolivia. New York: State
University of New York Press.
Malesevi, S. (2004) The sociology of ethnicity , London: Sage
Mariman, P., Caniuqueo, S., Millalen, J. & Levil, R. (eds.) (2006) Escucha Winka! Cuatro ensayos de
historia nacional Mapuche y un epilogo sobre el futuro. Santiago: LOM ediciones
Martinez, C. and C. De la Torre. (2010) "Racial Discrimination and Citizenship in Ecuador's
Educational System", Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 5(1): 1-26.
Matear, A. (2006) "Barriers to Equitable Access: Higher Education Policy and Practice in Chile since
1990", Higher Education Policy, 19: 31-49.
McAllister, G. & Irvine, J.J. (2000). "Cross Cultural Competency and Multicultural Teacher
Education", Review of Educational Research, 70(1), 3-24.
McGee Banks, C.A. & Banks, J.A. (1995). "Equity pedagogy: An essential component of
multicultural education", Theory Into Practice, 34(3): 152-158
Merino, M.E., Mellor, D., Saiz, J. & Quilaqueo, D. (2009) "Perceived discrimination amongst the
indigenous Mapuche people in Chile: some comparisons with Australia", Ethnic and Racial Studies
32 (5): 802-822
Mitnick, G.W. (2004) "Chile: indigenas y mestizos negados", Politica y Cultura, 21:97-110
Moreno Figueroa, M. (2010) "Distributed Intensities: Whiteness, Mestizaje and the Logics of
Mexican Racism", Ethnicities, 10 (3): 387-401.
Nagel, J. (1994) `Constructing Ethnicity: Creating and recreating ethnic identity and culture', Social
Problems, Special Issue on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America 41(1): 152-176
Nahuelpan, H. (2013). "Las `Zonas Grises' de las Historias Mapuche, Colonialismo Internalizado,
Marginalidad y Politicas de la Memoria", Revista de Historia Social y las Mentalidades, 17(1): 9-31.
Omi, M. y Winant, H. (1994) (2o edicion) Racial formation in the United States: From the 1960s to
the 1990s. London: Routledge
Oteiza, T. & Merino, M., (2012) "Am I a genuine Mapuche? Tensions and contradictions in the
construction of ethnic identity in Mapuche adolescents from Temuco and Santiago", Discourse &
Society, 23(3), 297-317
Postero, N.G. & Zamosc, L. (2004) (eds.) The Struggle for indigenous rights in Latin America.
Brighton: Sussex Academic Press
Richards, P. & Gardner, J. (2013) `Still Seeking Recognition: Mapuche Demands, State violence, and
Discrimination in Democratic Chile', Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 8(3): 255-279
Richards, P. (2010). "Of Indians and Terrorists: How the State and Local Elites Construct the
Mapuche in Neoliberal Multicultural Chile", Journal of Latin American Studies, 42: 59-90.
Smaje, C. (1997) "Not just a social construct: theorizing race and ethnicity", Sociology, 31(2): 307-
Smith, A. & Gellner, E. (1996) "The nation: real or imagined?", Nations and nationalism, 2(3):357-
Smith, A. (2001) Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History. Cambridge: Polity Press
Solomos, J. & Back, L. (1994) "Conceptualising racisms: social theory, politics and research"
Sociology, 28(1):143-161
Terwindt, C. (2009) "The demands of the "true" Mapuche: ethnic political mobilization in the
Mapuche movement", Nationalism and ethnic politics, 15(2): 237-257
Tubino, F. (2005). "La interculturalidad como proyecto etico-politico". Conference paper presented at
Encuentro continental de educadores agustinos, Lima, 24-28th January 2005. [online]
Wade, P. (2004) "Human Nature and Race", Anthropological Theory, 4(2): 157-172.
Wade, P. (2005) "Rethinking Mestizaje: ideology and lived experience", Journal of Latin American
Studies, 37:239-257.
Wade, P. (2010) (Segundo edicion) Race and Ethnicity in Latin America, London: Pluto Press.
(capitulos 1 y 5)
Wade, P. (2013) "Blackness, indigeneity, multiculturalism and genomics in Brazil, Colombia and
Mexico", Journal of Latin American Studies, 45(2): 205-233.
Wade, P., (2002), Race, Nature and Culture: An Anthropological Perspective, London: Pluto Press.
Walsh, C. (2000) "Politicas y significados conflictivos", Nueva Sociedad, 165, 121-133
Warren, S. (2009) "How will we recognize each other as Mapuche?: Gender and ethnic identity
performances in Argentina", Gender and Society, 23: 768-789
Webb, A. (2013) `Negotiating optimum distinctiveness: cognitive tendencies toward primordialism
among Mapuche youth' Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 36(12): 2055-2074
Webb, A. (forthcoming) "Indigenous schooling grants in Chile: The impacts of an integrationist
affirmative action policy among Mapuche pupils", Race, Ethnicity and Education.
Wimmer, A. (2008) "The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries: a multilevel process
theory", American Journal of Sociology, 113(4): 970-1022.
Sección 1 | Andrew Webb |