ICP0151 Instituciones y Comportamiento Estratégico
Escuela | Ciencia Política |
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Créditos | 10 |
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El curso aborda la distribucion de poder entre las instituciones de gobierno a nivel comparado. Entendiendo que las instituciones son reglas que moldean el comportamiento de los actores, se analizan los patrones de comportamiento con enfasis en su vinculo con la democracia. Se analizara de que manera el grado de acercamiento a valores democraticos se puede promover mediante el dise?o institucional, el peso de la mayoria y el resguardo de las minorias. Repasaremos piezas clave de la literatura clasica y contemporanea. Se evaluara que el estudiante pueda vincular las instituciones con el comportamiento (estrategico) de los actores.
1.Evaluar la logica de separacion de poderes (frenos y contrapesos) en micro-escenarios de interaccion entre actores de gobierno, a traves de la aplicacion de las teorias propuestas en la literatura del curso.
2.Analizar el impacto del dise?o institucional en el comportamiento de los actores, considerando los incentivos que establecen las instituciones y arreglos institucionales agregados.
3.Identificar tipos de instituciones o reglas con determinadas caracteristicas del sistema politico y de funcionamiento politico, considerando reglas que conducen a comportamiento confrontacional, instituciones que promueven la moderacion, entre otras.
4.Evaluar la logica de anticipacion de reacciones como guia del comportamiento politico, teniendo en cuenta el comportamineto de los actores que sugiere la teoria de accion racional.
5.Aplicar la logica de anticipacion de reacciones para interpretar acciones politicas en distintos ambitos de toma de decisiones.
1.Instituciones e Institucionalismo
1.1.Las bases para el estudio de instituciones
1.2.Instituciones y Constituciones
1.3.Presidencialismo, Prerrogativas del Ejecutivo e Inestabilidad
1.4.Proceso Legislativo
1.5.Enfoques del institucionalismo
1.6.Teoria de juegos
2.Reparticion de Poder
2.1.Vetos presidenciales
2.2.?Delegacion del congreso o usurpacion presidencial?
2.3.Poder Judicial
3.Politica Legislativa
3.1.Poder Legislativo I. Legisladores y Congresos
3.2.Poder Legislativo II. Organizacion legislativa
3.3.Poder Legislativo III. Institucionalizacion del Congreso
-Aprendizaje basado en la deliberacion: generacion de argumentos propios a partir de la discusion de autores y contrastacion de autores entre si.
-Analisis de Casos
-Aprendizaje basado en equipos
-Presentacion de estudiantes
-Debate oral del material: 12,5%
-Controles de lectura: 12,5%
-Examen parcial escrito: 30%
-Trabajo de investigacion grupal: 45%
Cameron, Charles. 2000. Veto Bargaining. Presidents and the Politics of Negative Power. Cambridge University Press. Caps 1-3, 6 y 9
Cheibub, 2007. Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy. Cambridge University Press. Caps 6 y 7
Gaventa. 1982. Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian Valley. University of Illinois Press. (capitulos 1 a 6 y conclusiones)
Helmke, G. 2002. ?The Logic of Strategic Defection: Court?Executive Relations in Argentina Under Dictatorship and Democracy?, American Political Science Review Vol 96:2, p.291-303
Helmke, G. & Rios Figueroa. 2011. Courts in Latin America. Cambridge University Press. Cap 1,9
Aleman, E. y M. Pachon. 2008. ?Las comisiones de conciliacion en los procesos legislativos de Chile y Colombia?, en Politica y Gobierno, Vol. XV, Numero 1, semestre 1, pp. 3-34
Palanza, Valeria. 2019. Checking Presidential Power: Executive Decrees and the Legislative Process in New Democracies, Cambridge University Press. Capitulos 1, 3 y 6
Polsby, Nelson W. 1968. ?The Institutionalization of the US House of Representatives?, APSR Vol 62, Issue 1, 144-168.
Saiegh, Sebastian. 2011. Ruling by Statute: How Uncertainty and Vote Buying Shape Lawmaking. Cambridge University Press. Capitulos 1, 2 y 8.
Sin, Gisela. 2015. Separation of Powers and Legislative Organization. Cambridge University Press
Aleman E, y T. Schwartz. 2006. Vetoes in Latin American Constitutions. Journal of Theoretical Politics. Volume 18(1): 98?120
Aleman, E, y E. Calvo. 2010. ?Unified Government, Bill Approval, and the Legislative Weight of the President,? Comparative Political Studies, 43: 511
Arnold, Douglas. 1990. The Logic of Congressional Action. Yale University Press. Caps 1, 4 y 6
Calvo, E. 2007. The Responsive Legislature: Public Opinion and Law Making in a Highly Disciplined Legislature. British Journal of Political Science 37:2:263-280
Cameron, C. 2006. The Political Economy of the US Presidency, Cap 13 en Weingast, B. y D. Wittman, The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, Oxford University Press
Canes-Wrone, B. 2006. Who Leads Whom? Presidents, Policy, and the Public. Chicago University Press
Carey, J, and M.S. Shugart. 1991. Executive Decree Authority. Cambridge University Press. Cap. 10 ?Institutional Design and Executive Decree?
Colomer, J. 2006. Comparative Constitutions, en Rhodes, R.A.W., S. Binder y B. Rockman. 2008. Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions, Oxford University Press.
Cox, G., y M. McCubbins. 1993. Legislative Leviathan. University of California Press.
Dahl, Robert. 2001. How Democratic is the American Constitution? Caps 1-3, 5 y 6.
Dixit, A. & S. Skeath. 1999. Games of Strategy. W. W. Norton & Co., New York, Capitulos 1 y 2
Groseclose, T, and N. McCarty. 2001. The Politics of Blame: Bargaining before an Audience. American Journal of Political Science No.45: 100-119
Hall, P. & R. Taylor. 1996. ?Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms?, Political Studies, Vol 44(4): 936-957
Helmke, G. 2005. Courts under Constraints: Judges, Generals, and Presidents in Argentina. Cambridge University Press.
Huber, J, and C. Shipan. 2002. Deliberate Discretion? Cambridge University Press Caps 1, 4 y 6
Jones, M., S. Saiegh, P. Spiller y M. Tommasi. 2002. ?Amateur Legislators -- Professional Politicians: The Consequences of Party-Centered Electoral Rules in a Federal System?, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 656-669 (14 pags) (version disponible en castellano)
Krehbiel, Keith. 1991. Information and Legislative Organization. University of Michigan Press. Caps: 1-3
Magar, Eric. 2001. Bully Pulpits: Posturing, Bargaining, and Polarization in the Legislative Process of the Americas. PhD Dissertation UCSD, Caps 4 (Arg) y 6 (Chile y Mexico)
Mayhew, David. 1991. Divided We Govern. New Haven: Yale University Press. Caps 1, 3-5
Mayhew, David. 1974. Congress: The Electoral Connection. Yale University Press. Cap 1
McCubbins, M, y D.Rodriguez. 2006.?The Judiciary and the Role of Law?, en Weingast, B. y D. Wittman, The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, Oxford University Press
Murphy, Walter. 1964. Elements of Judicial Strategy. Chicago Press.
Negretto, Gabriel. 2008. ?Political Parties and Institutional Design: Explaining Constitutional Choice in Latin America?, en British Journal of Political Science 39, 117?139
North, Douglass C. 1993. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press. [Disponible en castellano]. Cap. 1
O?Donnell, G. 1996. ?Illusions about Democratic Consolidation,? Journal of Democracy 7.
Osborne, M. 2004. An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press. Capitulo 2
Palanza V. 2018. ?Variations on the Partial Veto: Evidence from Chile?
Palanza V., y G. Sin. 2014. ?Veto Bargaining and the Legislative Process in Multiparty Presidential Systems?, Comparative Political Studies, July, Volume 47, Issue 7
Palanza V., y G. Sin. 2015. ?Partial Veto Bargaining?
Palanza, V., C. Scartascini y M. Tommasi. 2016. ?Congressional Institutionalization: A Cross-National Comparison?, Legislative Studies Quarterly, February, Volume 41, Number 1
Pereira, C., T. Power and L. Renno. 2008. ?Agenda Power, Executive Decree Authority, and the Mixed Results of Reform in the Brazilian Congress?, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.32, No.1, p.5-33
Perez Li?an, Anibal. 2010. Presidential Impeachment and the Political Instability in Latin America. Cambridge University Press Caps 1-3, 6 y 8
Samuels, David. 2003. Ambition, Federalism, and Legislative Politics in Brazil. Cambridge University Press. Caps 2, 3, y 7
Shepsle, K. 2006. ?Rational Choice Institutionalism?, in Rhodes, R.A., S.Binder & B.Rockman. Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions, Oxford Press, p. 23-38
Shugart, M.S. y J. Carey. 1992. Presidents and Assemblies. Cambridge University Press. Cap 7 ?Legislative Powers of Presidents?
Spiller y Gely. 1990. ?A Rational Choice Theory of Supreme Court Statutory Decisions?
Spiller y Tommasi. 2007. The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy in Argentina. Cambridge University Press. Capitulos
Sección 1 | Sergio Huertas |