EDU0507 Teaching and Learning English Primary II



Requisitos: EDU0506
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This course aims at developing the knowledge and practical skills which are required to teach English to young learners (TEYL) effectively. It provides practical ideas on how to approach and plan for young learners as well as materials and ideas for specific activities, through the development of games, songs and visual materials and their use in teaching and assessment of young English learners. There is a special focus on the development of literacy skills (3rd to 6th grades) together with the implementation of organizational routines, procedures, and strategies to support a learning environment.


1.To design and implement activities and teaching sequences for the development of written and integrated skills for young learners focusing on organizational routines in the classroom.
2.To design and implement thematic units that incorporate topics from other disciplines for the teaching of English in an integrated fashion.
3.To select and adapt tasks, resources and assessment situations in various forms including digital environments for TEYL.
4.To assess and provide effective feedback to young learners based on the analysis and interpretation of results to improve the students? learning.


-The student masters the English Language at an Advanced Level and is able to communicate fluently and precisely in order to provide learning opportunities for the integrated development of communicative skills in English (Competencia 1, Sub competencia 1.5; Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media).

-The student understands the structure and functioning of the English Language and its cultural expressions, in order to contextualize the developmental process of English communicative skills in the school context (Competencia 2, Sub competencias 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media).

-The student contextualizes the current EFL curriculum for the planning of learning and assessment situations in Primary and Secondary Education (Competencia 3, Subcompetencia 3.2, Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media).

-The student makes pedagogical decisions considering biological, psychological and sociocultural characteristics of primary and secondary school students and how they learn and develop in order to promote inclusive learning (Competnecia 4, Subcompetencia 4.4, Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media).

-The student designs and implements teaching strategies for Primary and Secondary School, coherent with learning goals, consistent with disciplinary knowledge and appropriate to diverse contexts, in order to ensure quality learning opportunities for all students (Competencia 5, Sub competencias 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media)

-The student selects, designs and uses strategies and assessment situations to monitor, provide feedback and certify the learning of English in Primary and Secondary Education so as to make pedagogical decisions based on learning evidence (Competencia 6, Sub competencia 6.6, Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media)

-The student promotes equity in learning opportunities for Primary and Secondary Education students based on the relation between diversity and educative processes (Competencia 8, Sub competencia 8.3, Perfil de egreso Pedagogia en Ingles para Ed. Basica y Media)


1. Designing contextualized learning and teaching situations
1.1. Implementation of organizational routines, procedures, and strategies to support a learning environment.
1.2. Developing written skills for young learners: Reading and Writing
1.3. Integrated skills for communication: Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
1.4. Classroom methods and techniques for young learners in written and integrated skills
1.5. Designing teaching and learning activities for written and integrated skills

2. Integrating other disciplines in the teaching of English to young learners
2.1. Content-based Learning
2.2. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
2.3. Planning thematic units
2.4. Project-based Learning

3. Resources for teaching English to Young learners
3.1. Criteria for selection and evaluation
3.2. Adapting and complementing resources
3.3. Creating resources for integrated skills in traditional and digital media

4. Assessment of young learners? learning
4.1. Instruments and assessment situations
4.2. Assessment of communicative skills
4.3. Assessment of cognitive and attitudinal aspects
4.4. Error correction and providing feedback
4.5. Analysis of results


The methodology of the course includes guided reading for the analysis and productive discussions of texts about the written skills needed in the classroom. In addition, for the representation and decomposition of pedagogical practices, there are workshops for the analysis of planning and resources, viewing of classroom interactions, observation of pedagogical practices and analysis of lesson transcripts. Moreover, the student teacher will enact some practices when designing teaching sequences and resources in traditional and digital environments that will be presented to the class. Finally, the teacher will analyze and develop assessment situations and reflect on the decisions made for the teaching of young learners.


Objectives 1 and 2 will be evaluated through workshops in which they will analyze the strategies for the development of written and integrated skills. Objective 3 will be assessed through the design and enactment of teaching sequences with a focus on the resources for the teaching of young learners. Finally, objective 4 will be assessed through the creation of assessment instruments and the analysis of learning results.



Ball, P., Kelly, K. & Clegg, J. (2016). Putting CLIL into practice. Oxford: OUP.

Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. New York: CUP.

Cameron, L. & McKay, P. (2010). Bringing creative teaching into the young learner classroom. York: OUP

Curtain, H. & Dahlberg, C.A. (2015). Languages and children: Making the match. New Languages for Young Learners, grades K-8. (5th ed.) . New York: Pearson.

Emery, H. & Rich, S. (2015). Teaching English to Young Learners. New York: Tesol Publications.

Guerrero, S. (2014). Primary Methodology Handbook: Practical Ideas for ELT. Oxford: Richmond.

Ioannou-Georgiou, S. & Pavlou, P. (2003). Assessing Young Learners. Oxford: OUP.

McKay, P. (2006). Assessing young learners. Cambridge: CUP.

Nikolov, M. (2016). Assessing Young Learners of English: Global and Local Perspectives. Berlin: Springer.

Shin, J.K. & Crandall, J. (2013). Teaching young learners English. MA: Heinle Cengage learning.


Bland , J. (2015). Teaching English to Young Learners: Critical Issues in Language Teaching with 3-12 Year Olds. London: Bloomsbury Academic

Bolitho, R. & Tomlinson, B. (2005). Discover English: Language Awareness for Teachers. New York: Macmillan ELT.

Hughes, G., Moate, J. & Raatikainen, T. (2008). Practical classroom English. Oxford: OUP.

Khabeishvili, G. (2016). Creativity in English as a Foreign Language Teaching to Young Learners. Saarbruken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Linse, C. & Nunan, D. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching: PELT Young Learners. New York: McGraw Hill.

Lotherington, H. & Paige, C. (2017). Teaching Young Learners in a Superdiverse World: Multimodal Approaches and Perspectives. London: Routledge Research in Education.

McKay, S. (2003). Teaching English as an International Language. The Chilean Context. ELT Journal, Vol 57, N? 2.

Moon, J. (2005). Children learning English. (2nd ed.). Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann.

Pinter, A. (2017). Children learning second languages. (2nd ed.) Oxford: OUP.

Read, C. (2007). 500 activities for the primary classroom: Immediate ideas and solutions. Macmillan Education.

Rich, S. (2014). International Perspectives on Teaching English to Young Learners: International Perspectives on English Language Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Slattery, M. & Willis, J. (2001). English for Primary Teachers: A handbook of activities and classroom language. New York: OUP

Wright, A. (2008). Storytelling with children. New York: OUP.

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Facultad de Educacion / Junio 2018


Sección 1 Claudia Bustos
Sección 2 María Órdenes